world premiere of Anima in Germany
to Apr 6

world premiere of Anima in Germany

Das gab es noch nie: Die Freilichtspiele nicht vor, sondern in St. Michael! Bereits mehrmals waren Alice Klock und Florian Lochner mit ihrer Formation FLOCK zu Gast im Neuen Globe und haben mit ihren international renommierten Choreographien das Publikum begeistert. Für das Kulturjahr 2025 erschafft die international gefeierte Dance-Company FLOCK nun im Dialog mit Theologie und Musik eine Symbolwelt aus Bewegung und Klang, Wort und Raum für die Kirche St. Michael. Speziell für den Kirchraum entwickelt, erzählt die Choreographie von der Spannung zwischen Form und Freiheit, Tradition und schöpferischer Kreativität, Transzendenz und Begrenzung; aus ungewöhnlicher Perspektive wird das Publikum dies im Zentrum des Kirchenschiffes erleben: Die Tänzer*innen von FLOCK, erweitert um ein Haller Bürgertanzensemble, werden über und zwischen den Bänken ihre Uraufführungschoreographie zeigen. Das Publikum sitzt dazu in den Seitenschiffen und auf den Emporen. Die Musik komponieren und spielen live Philipp Neuberger, Bezirkskantor von St. Michael, und Stephan Kraus, als Musiker und Komponist aus zahlreichen Produktionen bekannt.
Wir laden dazu ein, mit der Dance-Company FLOCK, mit Orgelmusik und Synthesizer, die Vielfalt und Schönheit des Lebens zu feiern. Im Anschluss an die Aufführungen freuen wir uns auf einen Austausch mit dem Publikum.

This has never existed before: The Freilichtspiele not in front, but in St. Michael! Alice Klock and Florian Lochner have already been guests of the Globe Theater several times with their dance company FLOCK and have inspired the audience with their internationally renowned choreographies. For the cultural year 2025, the internationally celebrated company FLOCK is now creating a symbolic world of movement and sound, word and space for the Church of St. Michael in dialogue with theology and music. Specially developed for the church space, the choreography tells of the tension between form and freedom, tradition and creativity, transcendence and limitation; from an unusual perspective, the audience will experience this in the center of the nave: The dancers of FLOCK, extended by a community ensemble, will show their world premiere choreography above and between the benches. The audience sits in the aisles and on the galleries. The music is composed and played live by Philipp Neuberger, district cantor of St. Michael, and Stephan Kraus, known as a musician and composer from numerous productions.

We invite you to celebrate the diversity and beauty of life with the dance company FLOCK, with organ music and synthesizers. Following the performances, we look forward to an exchange with the audience.

Choreographie Alice Klock und Florian Lochner Musik Philipp Neuberger und Stephan Kraus

Eine Kooperation der Kirchengemeinde St. Michael / St. Katharina, der Musik an St. Michael und den Freilichtspielen.

Choreography Alice Klock and Florian Lochner Music Philipp Neuberger and Stephan Kraus

A cooperation of the parish of St. Michael / St. Katharina, the music on St. Michael and the Freilichtspielen.

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FLOCK summer intensives
to Jul 3

FLOCK summer intensives

We are so excited to be holding two US Summer Intensives this year! One in NY and one in Chicago!

Join us for an individualized deep dive into FLOCK's unique movement, non-gendered partnering, and artistic process. These week long courses will focus on collaboration and the possibilities unlocked through a strong dance community. We will personally guide each participant into new ways of understanding movement and their own physicality within the context of connection. 

  • Each day will start with a FLOCK warmup that includes breath work, stabilization/strengthening, improvisation, group tasks, and movement to unlock your body's potential. 

  • The schedule will include learning excerpts from FLOCK repertoire. You will be carefully guided by Alice and Florian into the physical and emotional components of FLOCK’s work. 

  • Alongside this will be a focus on the creation process and how we can find and inhabit our personal artistry individually and in partnership. 

  • Each day will also include discussion time with the group and Alice and Florian. These sessions are moments to connect as a group and to openly explore and share information and discoveries. 

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Green box: artists in residence
to Oct 19

Green box: artists in residence

We are so excited to be Artists in Residence at Green Box this fall!

“Continuing its growing reputation as a sought-after destination for artists seeking creative refuge, Green Box has selected from a competitive national and international pool of applicants, nine projects representing a diversity of disciplines for residencies in 2025. Nestled within the foothills of America's Mountain, Pikes Peak, the rural hamlet of Green Mountain Falls provides an idyllic setting for these transformative creative experiences, offering 30 days of uninterrupted time, support, space, and inspiration for individual artistic exploration.”

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Quest shows in Florida!
to Mar 1

Quest shows in Florida!

  • HCC Mainstage Theatre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

See Quest at HCC’s Mainstage Theatre!

This adventurous new production centers around six protagonists each with their own storyline or quest. Follow these character’s individual hero’s journeys through joy, magic, love, struggle, and discovery. Featuring 6 extraordinary dancers and a stunning soundtrack this piece ushers audiences into a thrilling world of movement, myth, and legend.

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FLOCK piece "into being" with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
to Feb 16

FLOCK piece "into being" with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago

  • Harris Theater for Music and Dance (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“In February 2025, Hubbard Street returns to our Chicago home at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance for Winter Series. Featuring Johan Inger's fantastical adventure IMPASSE, hailed by See Chicago Dance as “immensely entertaining,” and Within the Frame, a World Premiere by the dynamic, genre-defying choreographer James Gregg, Winter Series also includes the “impressionistic and seamlessly danced” (Chicago ReaderInto Being by FLOCK (Alice Klock & Florian Lochner) and, for the first time in over 20 years, the return of Ohad Naharin's thrilling quintet, Black Milk.”

Tickets HERE

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university of mi department of dance: FLOCK world premiere
to Feb 9

university of mi department of dance: FLOCK world premiere

“The 2025 edition of the Department of Dance’s always lively Power Center showcase will feature choreography by professional guest artists and university faculty. FLOCK (, a co-choreography German/American dance company known for their non-gendered partnering and unique approach to physicality and storytelling, will join faculty members Tzveta Kassabova (theatre & drama), Biza Sompa (dance) and Robin Wilson (dance), in her final Power Center performance before her retirement.”

Tickets HERE

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FLOCK winter intensive in Chicago!
to Jan 17

FLOCK winter intensive in Chicago!


Join us for an individualized deep dive into FLOCK's unique movement, non-gendered partnering, and artistic process. The week will focus on collaboration and the possibilities unlocked through a strong dance community. FLOCK will guide each participant into new ways of understanding movement and their own physicality within the context of connection. 

  • The day will start with a FLOCK warmup that includes breath work, stabilization/strengthening, improvisation, group tasks, and movement to unlock your body's potential. 

  • Each day will include learning excerpts from FLOCK repertoire. You will be carefully guided by Alice and Florian into the physical and emotional components of FLOCK’s work. 

  • Alongside this will be a focus on the creation process and how we can find and inhabit our personal artistry individually and in partnership. 

  • Each day will also include discussion time with the group and Alice and Florian. These sessions are moments to connect as a group and to openly explore and share information and discoveries. 

$750 (Does not include lodging, travel, or food.)

$700 Early Bird tuition 


Monday January 13 - Friday January 17




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FLOCK winter intensive in Los Angeles
to Jan 10

FLOCK winter intensive in Los Angeles


Join us for an individualized deep dive into FLOCK's unique movement, non-gendered partnering, and artistic process. The week will focus on collaboration and the possibilities unlocked through a strong dance community. FLOCK will guide each participant into new ways of understanding movement and their own physicality within the context of connection. 

  • The day will start with a FLOCK warmup that includes breath work, stabilization/strengthening, improvisation, group tasks, and movement to unlock your body's potential. 

  • Each day will include learning excerpts from FLOCK repertoire. You will be carefully guided by Alice and Florian into the physical and emotional components of FLOCK’s work. 

  • Alongside this will be a focus on the creation process and how we can find and inhabit our personal artistry individually and in partnership. 

  • Each day will also include discussion time with the group and Alice and Florian. These sessions are moments to connect as a group and to openly explore and share information and discoveries. 

$750 (Does not include lodging, travel, or food.)

$700 Early Bird tuition 


Monday January 6 - Friday January 10

10am-3:30pm each day


DC Dance LA

11828 Teale Street

Los Angeles, CA 90230 

(Jefferson Blvd. Exit off the 405)


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Präsentation des internationalen tanz-workshops von FLOCK: Schwäbisch Hall Deutschland
7:30 PM19:30

Präsentation des internationalen tanz-workshops von FLOCK: Schwäbisch Hall Deutschland

Die FLOCK Dance Company, Alice Klock und Florian Lochner, bieten für professionelle Tänzerinnen und Tänzer einen Intensivworkshop vom 15. – 20. Dezember an, dessen Ergebnisse am 21. Dezember im Neuen Globe präsentiert werden. Information zum Workshop finden Sie unter

Tickets nur an der Abendkasse: 10 €

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FLOCK winter intensive in Germany
to Dec 21

FLOCK winter intensive in Germany


Join us for our first winter intensive in the medieval town of Schwäbisch Hall Germany! This special program is designed for a small group of only 12 artists. 

This week will involve working closely with Alice and Florian on FLOCK's unique movement, non-gendered partnering, and creation process. Alongside this FLOCK is partnering with physical therapist Annette Junginger to offer PT sessions and lectures centered around wholistic health and wellness for dancers. 

The week will culminate with a showing in the beautiful Globe Theater in Schwäbisch Hall where FLOCK is company in residence. 

Each day will feature PT, a FLOCK warmup including breathwork for dancers, creation process/repertoire with FLOCK, discussion, and one on one mentorship sessions with Alice and Florian. 

In your free time enjoy exploring the medieval town of Schwäbisch Hall and their renowned Christmas market!

Optional dormitory style housing within walking distance to the studio is provided at an additional fee. There are also limited hotels and airbnbs in the area. 


Monday December 16 - Saturday December 21


Schwäbisch Hall, Germany


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FLOCK open classes in LA
to Oct 24

FLOCK open classes in LA

Come dance with FLOCK in LA!

When: October 23 and/or October 24 from 5pm-6:30pm 

Where: Stomping Ground LA, Warehouse Studio

For Intermediate/Advanced dancers

Class will start with warmup and will progress into exploring FLOCK's unique movement style through learning excerpts from FLOCK's repertoire. The emphasis of the class is on connecting with personal artistry, enjoying, and exploring new pathways and possibilities.

Price: $25

Register HERE!

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Open class with Flo in NY!
7:00 PM19:00

Open class with Flo in NY!

  • 287 East 10th Street New York, NY, 10009 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday, October 8th, 7pm-8:30pm at New York Center for Creativity & Dance (287 East 10 Street).

Class will start with warmup and will lead into learning solo material from the new touring show "Quest". The emphasis of the class is on exploring FLOCK's unique movement style and on opening up personal artistry.

Price: $25


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QUEST – FLOCK show in Seattle/Kirkland
7:00 PM19:00

QUEST – FLOCK show in Seattle/Kirkland

  • Kirkland Performance Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FLOCK brings their latest touring show “Quest” to the Seattle area!

“Choreographed by Alice Klock and Florian Lochner this vibrant production centers around six protagonists each with their own storyline or quest. Follow these character’s individual hero’s journeys to their epic conclusions. Featuring 6 extraordinary dancers and a stunning soundtrack this piece ushers audiences into a thrilling world of movement, myth, and legend.

This is FLOCK’s second visit to the Seattle area after last year’s celebrated tour of “Somewhere Between” which was named one of 2023’s Top 10 shows in Chicago by the Chicago Tribune.”

More info and tickets here!

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FLOCK Mini Intensive in Chicago!
to Sep 22

FLOCK Mini Intensive in Chicago!

  • Visceral Dance Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Join Alice Klock, Florian Lochner, and FLOCK dancers for our first ever company mini intensive! Learn from us and our amazing team through this weekend of all things FLOCK! These two five hour days will include FLOCK warmup, rep, non-gendered partnering, discussion, and more. Apply to join us today and we hope to see you in Chicago this September!

With a focus on collaboration and the possibilities unlocked through a strong dance community we will guide you into new ways of understanding movement and your own physicality within the context of connection. 

  • The day will start with a FLOCK warmup that includes breath work, stabilization/strengthening, improvisation, group tasks, and movement to unlock your body's potential. 

  • Each day will include learning excerpts from FLOCK repertoire. You will be carefully guided into the physical and emotional components of FLOCK’s work. 

  • Get to know and work with Alice and Florian and FLOCK dancers Emily Krenik, Robert Rubama, Liane Aung, and Kevin Shannon!

  • Each day will conclude with discussion time. These sessions are moments to connect as a group and to openly explore and share information and discoveries. 

$250 (Does not include lodging, travel, or food.)

$200 Early Bird tuition 

September 21: 3-8pm 

September 22: 12-5pm

More info and APPLY HERE!

Email if you have questions

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Quest - FLOCK show in Germany!
to Sep 8

Quest - FLOCK show in Germany!

September 5, 7, 8

Nach FLOCKs letztem bejubeltem Tanzstück, das von der Zeitung "Chicago Tribune" zu einem der besten des Jahres 2023 ernannt wurde, präsentiert FLOCK nun ein neues Tanzstück, das speziell für das wunderschöne Neue Globe Theater geschaffen wurde. Die Weltpremiere findet in Schwäbisch Hall statt, bevor FLOCK auf Tournee durch die USA geht. Mit sechs renommierten Tänzerinnen und Tänzern sowie einem beeindruckenden Soundtrack erzählt dieses neue Tanzstück eine Geschichte, die sich um den Monomythos (die Heldenreise) dreht. Um diese Geschichte zu erzählen, erforscht FLOCK Symbole und Metaphern, die in den Artuslegenden zu finden sind, insbesondere die des Heiligen Grals.

Choreographie Alice Klock und Florian Lochner

Fragen und Antworten Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltungen mit dem Tanzensemble.

Tanz-Workshop für tanzbegeisterte Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene am 7 September um 10 Uhr und 13 Uhr, weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


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Flock Summer intensive at Orsolina 28 2024
to Jul 7

Flock Summer intensive at Orsolina 28 2024


Join us at the beautiful Orsolina 28 in Italy for a deep dive into FLOCK's unique repertoire, non-gendered partnering, and enjoy the opportunity to develop and unleash personal artistry within creation. Alice Klock, Florian Lochner, and FLOCK company dancers will guide each participant into new ways of understanding movement and their own physicality within the context of connection. This week will focus on collaboration and the possibilities unlocked through a joyful studio environment and a strong dance community. The piece created during this intensive will be shared at the end of the program on the Open Air Stage.

More info and application HERE!

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Somewhere Between performance at Orsolina28
7:30 PM19:30

Somewhere Between performance at Orsolina28

“Somewhere Between examines how memory and imagination affect our reality and our definition of self. Drawing on the myths or stories of childhood, this new creation is emblematic of FLOCK's work, featuring pas de deux and group collaborations, complex movements and an emotionally rich narrative.”

More info and tickets HERE

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FLOCK workshops in Berlin
to Apr 9

FLOCK workshops in Berlin

Join FLOCK, Alice Klock and Florian Lochner, for an exploration of their unique movement and non-gendered partnering style. The emphasis of these workshops is on connecting with personal artistry, enjoying, and exploring new pathways and possibilities. 

Each day will include warmup, partnering exercises, and learning excerpts from FLOCK's repertoire. Alice and Florian will personally guide each participant into new ways of understanding movement within the context of connection.

Each day will run 10:00-14:00 (10am-2pm). The intensive will be in English. Join us for one day or both!

One day: 70 USD

Two day deal : 120 USD

April 8 and 9


DOCK 11 Eden 

Breite Str. 43 

Berlin, Germany


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Two day workshop in Milan
to Mar 31

Two day workshop in Milan

So excited to be partnering with Imago Faculty for a two day workshop in Milan! The focus of this workshop is on exploring FLOCK’s unique style, non-gendered partnering, and learning movement from FLOCK’s touring repertoire.

March 30-31, 3 hrs each day.

Learn more and register HERE

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FLOCK open class in la with Alice
5:00 PM17:00

FLOCK open class in la with Alice

Come dance with Alice in LA!

Monday February 12, 5:00pm-6:30pm in the Warehouse at Stomping Ground L.A

Class will start with a FLOCK warmup/improv and will progress into exploring Alice's unique movement style and phrase work. The emphasis of the class is on connecting with personal artistry, exploring new pathways, and enjoying movement!

Price: $25

More info and register HERE!

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FLOCK Open Class in Chicago with Alice!
10:30 AM10:30

FLOCK Open Class in Chicago with Alice!

Come dance with Alice Klock in Chicago!

January 14th: 10:30am-12:00pm in the Juniper Room at the Rooted Space.

Address: 1803 W Byron St #201, Chicago, IL 60613

Class will start with warmup and will progress into exploring Alice's unique movement style and FLOCK phrase work. The emphasis of the class is on connecting with personal artistry, enjoying, and exploring new pathways and possibilities.

Price: $25

To register submit this FORM and payment through one of the methods below:

Zelle: (preferred)
Venmo: @flockworks

Please put your name and "Chicago Alice" in the payment memo.

We'll then send you email confirmation. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!

If you have any questions or need an alternate payment method email

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FLOCK Winter Intensives in Seattle and Chicago!
to Jan 12

FLOCK Winter Intensives in Seattle and Chicago!


We are so excited to be holding our 2024 Winter Intensives in Seattle and Chicago!

Seattle Intensive Schedule and Locations:

Wednesday January 3- Sunday January 7


January 3: 9:00am - 3:00pm at NOD 

January 4: 10:00am - 4:00pm at NOD

January 5: 10:00am - 4:00pm at NOD

January 6: 10:00am - 3:00pm at AETHER

January 7: 10:00am - 3:00pm at AETHER


Exit Space NOD Theater

1621 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122


159 Western Ave W STE 281, Seattle, WA 98119

Chicago Intensive Schedule and Locations:

DATES and Times:
9:00am - 2:30pm daily

Monday January 8 - Friday January 12


The Menomonee Club - Drucker Center 

1535 N. Dayton St. Chicago, IL 60642

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German premiere of "Somewhere Between"
to Oct 20

German premiere of "Somewhere Between"

Our touring show “Somewhere Between” has its European premiere at the Neues Globe Theater in Schwäbisch Hall Germany! October 19 and 20, 2023.

Alice Klocks und Florian Lochners international gefeierte Tanzkompanie FLOCK gastiert zum dritten Mal im Neuen Globe in Schwäbisch Hall. Ihr neues Tanzstück "Somewhere Between" hatte seine Premiere in Colorado Springs, anschließend tourte FLOCK von Chicago nach Seattle und New York. Das Stück sorgte für Begeisterung beim Publikum und erhielt enthusiastische Kritiken. Dieses neue Tanzstück enthüllt, wie Erinnerung und Vorstellungskraft unsere Realität und unsere Selbstdefinition beeinflussen. Die Co-Choreografen Alice Klock und Florian Lochner werden von einer beeindruckenden Gruppe von Tänzerinnen und Tänzern begleitet, die einen lebendigen, physischen und vielschichtigen Blick auf die Möglichkeiten menschlicher Verbindung bietet. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von FLOCK und lassen Sie sich von der Schönheit und Ausdruckskraft des Tanzes verzaubern.

Karten Kaufen! Buy tickets HERE!

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